Aluksi lyhyt esittely englanniksi, vieritä alaspäin suomenkieliseen esittelyyn.
AQBurk briefly in English
AQBurk is a low-cost air quality sensor box, which measures particulate matter (PM10 & PM2.5), air temperature, humidity, pressure and optionally VOC gases. All components are commercially available and total cost (depending which components are chosen) is about 20-50 €.
There are two versions: one with LoRaWAN connectivity and one for local WLAN (Wi-Fi).
TODO: hardware
We have been using ESP8266 (for WLAN, 2-5€) and ESP32 (for LoRaWAN, 10-15€) micro-controllers. Particulate matter sensor is Nova SDS011 (widely available in Chinese web stores with less than 15€ price tag) and we have found it most of time reliable and accurate. Environmental sensors (air temperature, humidity, pressure and VOC) we have used are BME280 and BME680.
Source code
- LoRaWAN version:
- WiFI version:
AQBurk – edullinen ilmanlaatusensori
AQBurk on Vekotinverstaan rakentama edullinen tee-se-itse-ilmanlaatusensori. Lisää tietoa löydät näistä linkeistä: